

Guangzhou Learnpuzzle Paper Products Co., Ltd, a paper products company, is specialized in designing, printing and custom processing game cards and a varieties of board games. With gaining rich production experience and learning a lot of design concepts in customizing a plenty of board games for our customers, we've begun to move towards developing and building self-owned brand brand樂拼 logo.png .

With aiming to carry forward Chinese traditional culture, LEARNPUZZLE has always been working on designing and developing teaching-assisted products by incorporating traditional cultural knowledge represented by Chinese poems and idioms into the board games. "Thinking game, Culture board game" is the future direction of our products development. We want to drive children's enthusiasm for learning traditional culture, and we want to make learning about traditional culture simpler and easier with games!



天峻县| 台北县| 平武县| 张家口市| 新沂市| 桐乡市| 关岭| 鱼台县| 丹东市| 五河县| 鄱阳县| 闽清县| 泗阳县| 双辽市| 金秀| 建瓯市| 河南省| 渭源县| 沙雅县| 广德县| 谷城县| 会泽县| 永泰县| 怀集县| 平遥县| 祥云县| 娄底市| 镇江市| 彭泽县| 揭西县| 同德县| 栾城县| 连江县| 闻喜县| 马公市| 米林县| 烟台市| 射阳县| 庆云县| 舟曲县| 江油市|